Izdelki za stroji za punch (18)

Ročni Punch za Očesa Brez Stroja s Kladivom

Ročni Punch za Očesa Brez Stroja s Kladivom

Çekiç İle Manuel Makinasız Kuş Gözü Çakma Mili Kalıbı Set 6 Adet - Çekiç İle Manuel Makinasız Kuş Gözü Çakma Mili Kalıbı Set 6 Adet PAKET İÇERİĞİ 1 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 2 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 3 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 4 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 5 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 6 NO KUŞ GÖZÜ ÇAKMA KALIBI 1 ADET DELME MİLİ 1 SET ÇAKIM MİLİ 1 ADET SAKLAMA KUTUSU Bu paket içerisindeki kuş gözü çakma kalıpları ile çekiç yardımı ile branda kumaş bez kot kenarlarına kuş gözü takabilirsiniz Paket içerisinde en çok kullanılan 6 farklı çakım kalıbı bulunmaktadır En küçük 1.7 mm kuş gözü kalıbı en büyük 1 cm lik kuş gözlerini çekiç yardımı ile çakabilirsiniz Kalıplar saklama kutusu içerisinde gönderilmektedir
Punch - Prodaja Aluminija in Obdelava Kovin

Punch - Prodaja Aluminija in Obdelava Kovin

Punch machine is not in the form of different types of plates, realizing punching in a short time.
YM 650-450 VISOKO HITROSTNA TERMOMORFNA MAŠINA - Popolnoma servo pogonjena z 3 in 4 postajami (Oblikovanje/Rezaljenje/Prebijanje/Steklenje)

YM 650-450 VISOKO HITROSTNA TERMOMORFNA MAŠINA - Popolnoma servo pogonjena z 3 in 4 postajami (Oblikovanje/Rezaljenje/Prebijanje/Steklenje)

Maximum Mould Size : 650x435mm Maximum Forming Area : 620x405 mm Maximum Cutting Area : 630x405 mm Negative Forming Depth : 120 mm Maximum Sheet Width : 710 mm Minimum Sheet Width : 300 mm Upper Heater Heating Power : 32.5 kW Lower Heater Heating Power : 32.5 kW Continuous Power Consumption : 40 kW Total İnstalled Power : 80 kW Vacuum : 105 m³/h Dry Running Cycle : 60 cycle/min Weight (approx.) : 7000 kg Length : 7000 mm Width : 2300 mm Height : 2500 mm Required Compressor : 3 m³/min Required Cooler : 20000 kcal/hour
KP 110 - Pnevmatska Stiskalnica za Aluminijaste Kotnike - Puncna Stiskalnica

KP 110 - Pnevmatska Stiskalnica za Aluminijaste Kotnike - Puncna Stiskalnica

PRODUCT INFORMATION KP 110 machine is designed and constructed for the pneumatically crimping and correct assembly of aluminum profiles. The machine is semiautomatic and the machining cycle of various units are manual controlled by user who always stays outside of the dangerous area. It is designed through the pneumatically crimping system Cast iron construction of the body that is strong and lasting Magnetic support of knives according to the shape and height of the profiles Reading of the positioning value via millime ter special scales Simultaneous stroke of crimping heads Double-acting stroke of bracing clamp apears from the table Support arms on the left and right of the machine The machine is equiped with the foot pedals for the operation control during the machining cycle Operator safety guard Operating stroke of knives : 10.5 mm Bracing clamp stroke: 80 mm Adjustable stroke of knives: from 30 mm to 60 mm STANDARD ACCESSORIES • 1x3 mm, 1x5 mm and 1x7 mm crimping knives


YYM/PRO Series cutting machine is a machine that works with a servo control system. Our machine is suitable for cutting single and double sided PE paper. The cutting machine, which can reach up to 450 strokes per minute, can easily cut your pre-printed bobbin paper. With its automatic edge control system, it provides smoother cutting and ease of use to the operator. It can print and cut thanks to the optional single color printing on it. You can easily place your bobbin paper with the hydraulic bobbin lift unit. YM CUP family provides you with all the support from the installation of all the machines it has produced, and enables you to make a trouble-free production with minimum manpower.
HTMACH Stiskalna naprava - Stiskalna naprava serije HPM

HTMACH Stiskalna naprava - Stiskalna naprava serije HPM

HTMACH Turret Punch Press Machine is capable of working large sheet metals with fast axes speed and stroke frequency. It is used high level mechanic and electronic automation equipments in its construction. Machine keeps its compact structure with all its specialties and equipment. All of the components on the machine are world wide known brand names. Capacity is 1225mmX30ton
Mehanska Tiskalna

Mehanska Tiskalna

Presele mecanice excentrice sunt utilizate pe scară largă, printre altele: în industria electrică, auto, produse de uz casnic și multe alte industrii. Dintre presele mecanice, în funcție de caroserie, distingem între prese de extensie și prese de tip portal. Corpul de extensie permite accesul ușor la spațiul de lucru datorită designului său deschis. Acest lucru determină restricții asupra presiunii maxime, deoarece corpul absoarbe toate forțele generate în timpul funcționării mașinii. Presele excentrice cantilever constituie cel mai mare grup de dispozitive pentru formarea metalelor. Aceste prese sunt echipate cu manșoane excentrice care permit manipularea mărimii cursei glisorului. Prin urmare, este posibil să se stabilească o valoare care să corespundă nevoilor curente de producție. Accesul la zona de lucru din trei sau patru laturi facilitează operarea mașinii.


Bu makina köşeli teneke kutu kapaklarında punta kaynak, delik delme ve kıvırma operasyonlarını bir araya getirmek için dizayn edilmiştir. Bu makina kullanıcının üretim personelini, yarı mamullerini ve enerji tüketimini minimize etmesini, üretim kapasitesini ve operasyon karını maksimize etmesini sağlar. Makina farklı kapak tipleri ve ölçülerine göre dizayn edilebilir. Makinanın kapak yürütme ve puntalama sistemi servo motor kullanılarak dizayn edilmiştir.
Rezila za Rezanje Vzorcev - Puncne Nože

Rezila za Rezanje Vzorcev - Puncne Nože

Punch Cutting Knives for packing machines and thermoforming machines
Combo Boksarska Stroj - Stroj za Kicks in Udare

Combo Boksarska Stroj - Stroj za Kicks in Udare

ticari para ile çalışan tekme ve yumruk atma makinesi


YM/BKM-DK Series printing and punching machines can print on single - and double - sided PE coated paper. Suitable for use with water-based ink for printing. The ink reservoir is made of stainless steel and is environmentally friendly. Printing and punching machines allows quick drying with fan and infrared dryers. Usage of servo motor gives more efficient printing
KP 120 - Hidravlična Stiskalnica za Aluminijaste Kotnike - Puncna Stiskalnica

KP 120 - Hidravlična Stiskalnica za Aluminijaste Kotnike - Puncna Stiskalnica

PRODUCT INFORMATION KP 120 machine is designed and constructed for the hydraulically crimping and correct assembly of aluminum profiles. The machine is semiautomatic and the machining cycle of various units are manual controlled by user who always stays outside of the dangerous area. It is designed through the pneumatically crimping system Steel construction of the machine table that is strong and lasting Practically adjustment of the knives according to the shape and height of the profiles Practically adjustment of the cylinder feed and profile stops by means of the millimetric ruler The machine is equipped with the pneumatic (for clamps ) and hydraulic (for crimping ) foot pedals for the operation control during the machining cycle Double-acting centering set-square returns to the home position under the table after crimping Powerful hydraulic pump with 2 x 5 tons capacity Protection plates made of Polyamide material to prevent being scratches on the profile surface
Mehanska Tiskalna

Mehanska Tiskalna

As prensas mecânicas excêntricas são amplamente utilizadas, entre outras: nas indústrias elétrica, automotiva, de produtos domésticos e em muitas outras indústrias. Entre as prensas mecânicas, dependendo da carroçaria, distinguimos entre prensas de extensão e prensas de pórtico. O corpo de extensão permite fácil acesso ao espaço de trabalho graças ao seu design aberto. Isto provoca restrições na pressão máxima, pois o corpo absorve todas as forças geradas durante a operação da máquina. As prensas excêntricas cantilever constituem o maior grupo de dispositivos para conformação de metal. Essas prensas são equipadas com mangas excêntricas que permitem manipular o tamanho do curso do controle deslizante. Portanto, é possível definir um valor que corresponda às necessidades atuais de produção. O acesso à área de trabalho por três ou quatro lados facilita a operação da máquina.
Mehanska Tiskalna

Mehanska Tiskalna

Οι εκκεντρικές μηχανικές πρέσες χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως, μεταξύ άλλων: στην ηλεκτρική, την αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, τα οικιακά προϊόντα και πολλές άλλες βιομηχανίες. Ανάμεσα στις μηχανικές πρέσες, ανάλογα με το αμάξωμα, διακρίνουμε τις πρέσες επέκτασης και τις πρέσες γάντι. Το σώμα επέκτασης επιτρέπει την εύκολη πρόσβαση στο χώρο εργασίας χάρη στον ανοιχτό σχεδιασμό του. Αυτό προκαλεί περιορισμούς στη μέγιστη πίεση, καθώς το σώμα απορροφά όλες τις δυνάμεις που δημιουργούνται κατά τη λειτουργία του μηχανήματος. Οι εκκεντρικές πρέσες προβόλου αποτελούν τη μεγαλύτερη ομάδα συσκευών για τη διαμόρφωση μετάλλων. Αυτές οι πρέσες είναι εξοπλισμένες με εκκεντρικά μανίκια που επιτρέπουν τον χειρισμό του μεγέθους διαδρομής του ολισθητήρα. Επομένως, είναι δυνατό να οριστεί μια τιμή που αντιστοιχεί στις τρέχουσες ανάγκες παραγωγής. Η πρόσβαση στο χώρο εργασίας από τρεις ή τέσσερις πλευρές διευκολύνει τη λειτουργία του μηχανήματος.
Stroj za tiskanje in perforiranje papirnatih skodelic

Stroj za tiskanje in perforiranje papirnatih skodelic

Machine à imprimer et à perforer les gobelets en papier modèle-ym/bkm-dk - Les machines d'impression et de perforation de la série YM/BKM-DK peuvent imprimer sur du papier couché PE simple et double face. PE sur une ou deux faces. Convient à l'utilisation d'encre à base d'eau pour l'impression. Le réservoir d'encre est en acier inoxydable et respecte l'environnement. est respectueux de l'environnement. Les machines d'impression et de perforation permettent un séchage rapide grâce à des ventilateurs et des sécheurs infrarouges. infrarouge. L'utilisation d'un servomoteur permet une impression plus efficace.


Otomatik olarak kesintisiz şekilde her ebat kapağın üretilebilmesi için dizayn edilmiştir. Düz yada zig-zag kesilmiş levhalara uygundur. Tekli ve çiftli kalıp bağlanabilir. Yuvarlak ve köşeli kapakların üretimi için uygundur.
YM 850-650 VISOKO HITROSTNA TERMOVORMIRNA STROJ - Popolnoma servo pogonjena z 3 in 4 postajami (Oblikovanje/Rezaljenje/Prebijanje/Steklenje)

YM 850-650 VISOKO HITROSTNA TERMOVORMIRNA STROJ - Popolnoma servo pogonjena z 3 in 4 postajami (Oblikovanje/Rezaljenje/Prebijanje/Steklenje)

Maximum Mould Size : 850x650 mm Maximum Forming Area : 820x620 mm Maximum Cutting Area : 820x620 mm Positive Forming Height : 160 mm Negative Forming Depth : 160 mm Maximum Sheet Width : 910 mm Minimum Sheet Width : 400 mm Upper Heater Heating Power : 71 kW Lower Heater Heating Power : 71 kW Continuous Power Consumption : 142 kW Total İnstalled Power : 225 kW Vacuum : 250 m³/h Dry Running Cycle : 60 cycle/dak Weight (approx.) : 14000 kg Length : 10300 mm Width : 2800 mm Height : 3000 mm Required Compressor : 8 m³/min Required Cooler : 50000 kcal